Have you ever considered enrolling in online college classes? Have you wondered what the benefits of online classes are? Here, you'll learn how online classes gave me a head start in college and how they can do the same for you.
How Online Classes Helped Me Get Ahead
Before I enrolled in online classes, I wasn't sure if they were the right choice for me. I didn't know if I'd be able to learn on my own time or without being in an actual classroom. What if I got stuck on something and couldn't reach the teacher for an answer? What if my internet connection failed? So many questions were running through my head!
So, I talked to a couple of my friends who'd had great success with online classes, and they convinced me to give them a try. Honestly, I'm so glad I did! Let's take a look at some benefits of online classes as well as how they helped me get a jumpstart on my college career--and how they might benefit you.
Gave Me a Feel for College
I enrolled in my first two online classes--English 101 and Math 120--during the summer before my senior year in high school. I was nervous at first, of course, but I got over that once I started completing the work and understanding the material. And very quickly, I began to see the benefits of these classes. Online classes gave me a taste of college without the huge commitment of a degree program. I learned how college courses operate (online courses, at that) and how easy it was to reach out to my professor when I had a question--and my Wi-Fi only acted up a few times!
I think that taking these online classes helped to prepare me for college after high school and taught me how to be a more dedicated and determined student. After all, online classes don't require you to be anywhere at any certain time, so you must take control of your education and hold yourself accountable. Once I started college after high school, I had a pretty good idea of what to expect and I was already pretty comfortable with the postsecondary experience.
Let Me Earn College Credit
Online classes helped me be a better-prepared college student. But they also had another important and tangible benefit: Online classes let me earn college credit before I enrolled in a degree program. By taking these classes and earning credit prior to actually starting college, I was able to get a jumpstart on my college education and save some time.
Remember: You don't have to be in high school to take advantage of online courses. Anyone can do it! If you happen to be a current college student, think about taking online courses over the summer to get ahead in your program. Or, if you're simply looking to take a few courses here and there without committing to a college, Study.com offers a huge library of online courses that can be taken for transferable college credit. Whichever path you decide to take, online classes can be a great way to earn college credit that can be used to your advantage in the future.
Saved Me Money
Last but not least, online classes saved me money in the long run on my college education. It did so in a few ways, actually. The classes I took while I was still in high school were part of a dual enrollment program, which meant I didn't have to pay the full amount to take them. Saving money there meant I spent less when I finally graduated high school and enrolled in a degree program. When I did this, I still took online classes, which eliminated driving to college and, therefore, saved me money on gas.
Online college courses also cost me less in tuition. A 2014 U.S. News & World Report article notes that online courses may cost less than traditional college courses because a larger number of students can take them at the same time. Basically, more students = more $ for the school = lower tuition costs. By saving money in all of these ways, I was able to get ahead in college and life in general.
Why You Should Consider Online Classes
I can say from first-hand experience that online classes definitely have their place in the world of education. This is especially true in today's day and age, when technology plays such a big role in education. Not only can online classes give you a feel for college and help you earn valuable credit in the comfort of your own home, they can also save you time and money on your college education. Who wouldn't benefit from these perks?